Donate Today!

We are incredibly thankful for donations of all sizes. We aim to keep our camper fees as low as possible, and we are able to achieve this every year through our generous donors and sponsors. We care about making camp available to campers of all backgrounds. (Donations also qualify for tax deductions/ write-offs.)

Mail checks to:

Camp Big Heart Post Office Box 633 Bonaire Ga 31005

Donate Every Time You Buy on Amazon

Camp by the Numbers

Campers Per Year
Staff Per Year
Cost to Host a Camper
Camper Fee
% of Camp Cost Covered by Fees and Sponsors
% of Camp Cost Covered by Donations

Our Future

We aim to make camp bigger and better every year. We have several long-term goals to upgrade and improve our camp. If our donations exceed the amount needed to run camp, we are excited to invest that money into the items below. If you would like to donate any of these items, contact our administrator.

  • Golf Carts

    It takes about 9 golf carts per week for us to run supplies and campers all over camp. Golf carts allow nurses and management to rapidly respond to counselor and camper needs all over the campground. A few of our golf carts are donated for the weeks of camp, but we rent out the rest. Our goal is to own several golf carts and have the rest donated.

  • Camera

    Are you Looking for more pictures of your campers? We really need a camp camera. Please consider donating this or lending us yours!