
Camp Big Heart is an overnight summer camp for children and adults living with developmental disabilities, sponsored by the Civitan Clubs of Georgia. Campers are invited to join us at Camp John Hope for a week-long session this summer. The dates for 2024 are June 9th-14th and June 16th-21st.

Our mission is to provide the highest quality summer recreational camping experience for Georgia’s developmentally challenged children and adults. Camp Big Heart has over a 30 year history of providing safe, affordable, high quality, individualized and group camping programs staffed and supervised by committed and caring professionals in the field of human services.

We would love for you to join the Camp Big Heart Family this summer! Camp is an extremely fun, rewarding, and exhausting experience. We have an over 70% retention rate every year, so make sure to apply early.
Staff are required to get to camp for orientation the day before campers arrive. The staff camp dates are: June 8th-14th and June 15th-21st, 2024.

Staff applications are now available in the link below! All applications are due by April 1st. For any staffing questions, contact Lucas Brooks Here.

Explore the tabs below for descriptions and requirements for each job position.

Volunteers are essential to running camp. Volunteers are assigned a cabin to travel with all week. You will sleep in a cabin with your campers and help them get ready in the mornings and evenings. You will participate in all activities and help the Unit Leaders and Activity Leaders as needed. In a cabin, there are typically 2-3 Volunteers, 1 Unit Leader, and 9-10 campers. Volunteers are unpaid.